Monday, November 9, 2020

Plus ça change, plus ça reste le même.

I hate to sound like Debbie Downer of SNL. I am elated that Joe Biden wins over Mussolini wanabe orange buffon but I will not join any celebration outdoor or indoor. The main reason is because i know the heartbreaks will be coming soon. 

I am afraid soon we will hear that Susan Rice or Gail Smith would be considered for high level foreign/security positions which mean in the long run continuation of Libya type regime change policy or South Sudan like creation of new countries  or territories in the name of "democracy promotion".

Already is media and pundits are advising Biden and making prediction that he would move to the Center and his cabinet might even include Republicans as a gesture toward Independents who voted for him.

I just learned that we should not expect also any change toward Natanyahu as the President-elect is also in good terms. I don't think Al-Sisi, Prince Salman or the potentates in the Gulf are sweating their biggest supporter is no longer in power. Their new "uncle" Natanyahu & AiPAC will make sure that they do not face retribution. For progressive voter like me it is deja vu again . Our vote is courted during primaries but it is the so called Independents who will be compensated at our expense.