
Sunday, September 25, 2022

ፖለቲካና ኮረንቲ Ethiopian euphemism for avoiding politics

A post on facebook reminded me the favorite saying by many in Ethiopian diaspora until the last couple of years when it came to political situation in Ethiopia: "Better avoid politics and korenti (an exposed electric wire)". My answer to them was also 'it is absurd to be apolitical, as politics means public policy that affects lots of our life'. I add 'it is one thing to avoid partisan politics or not being interested in it but completely different thing to avoid or abhor politics in general. 

A one time roommate who had disdain for  'politics' learned the hard way when his request for basic and common service involving his family was rejected by Ethiopian Embassy. 

You may ask 'how about in the last couple of years'. Well my friends, Ethiopians in the diaspora seem to have found their voices. They are opining all over and wherever you find them. On social media, when we encounter on communal or social occasions. The bold ones have opened youtube channels and are busy posting sensational stories even hate ethnic mongering.

What changes?  I am sure sociologists or political scientists can provide good answer based on theoretical framework and thorough analytic work. 

My non-expert mind leads me to coclude that the main reason why many in the Ethiopian diaspora avoided 'politics' was purely selfish calculation especially fear of consequences. Getting involved in 'politics' then had costs. Now, not really.